Treatment System
For Injuries at Work or From Sports, as Well as Chronic Conditions
Dr. Symmank uses chiropractic care and the Fenzian Treatment System to improve the health and wellness in all areas of patient’s lives, whether they are having problems with back pain or neck pain, or just want to start feeling better when they wake up in the morning. Our Fenzian Treatment is unavailable to most people as we are one in a handful of people that can offer this type of treatment.
Our Fenzian Treatment System is a non-invasive electro-stimulation technology utilizing active biofeedback. We treat with painless electrical impulses treating a wide range of conditions. The Fenzian is a battery-powered handheld device that must be used by a trained medical doctor Principles of treatment are based on the shared ancestry of skin and nerve cells (both derived from neuroectoderm). Alterations in central nervous system activity governing body ‘maintenance’ are reflected in corresponding changes in skin electrical properties. These can be related to illness and injury.

As the body’s activities are coordinated by electrical nerve impulses, it is a logical approach to use the electrical signals to treat it. Electro-stimulation technology uses electrical impulses applied to the skin at key points of the body, interacting with the central nervous system treating illness or injury to encourage healing.
Our Fenzian Treatment System uses advanced microchip technology and communicates with the central nervous system using complex electrical impulses. As a trainned Fenzian practitioner, Dr. Sam will use a range of carefully selected treatment protocols which stimulate the normal physiological processes that may have become stalled or distracted, thereby encouraging the body to repair itself naturally, regaining its focus on the repair.
The Fenzian Treatment System has been proven to work with both acute and chronic conditions and is even beneficial for post-surgical recovery!
What can it be used for?
The Fenzian system is used to treat conditions arising in all of the body systems, including musculoskeletal, cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and neurological.
Fenzian is painless, non-invasive and has absolutely no negative side-effects.
Frequently asked questions
Fenzian treatment understandably generates many questions.
Does the treatment hurt?
No; and this is the reason why children are so happy with it.
Is it like TENS?
No, it is completely different from TENS. TENS generally uses a DC current with a great deal of energy. Fenzian uses a very short AC wave adjusted through biofeedback by the patient’s central nervous system. It is, in effect, information and not “energy” medicine.
How many treatments do I need?
This varies widely. In general, acute problems (inflammation, injury, infection) need fewer treatments.
Do I need to prepare for treatment or make plans for afterwards?
Loose fitting clothing is recommended as skin contact is required. Make up and body creams can interfere with contact. After treatment it is best to take it easy for a few hours. Patients can feel tired after treatment and need sleep. This is commonly a good sign.
How long do treatment sessions last?
Average sessions last about 30 minutes but can be shorter (especially for children) or, in view of the need to elicit a body response with different treatment protocols, treatments may take as long as an hour.
Does it interfere with other treatments?
Other treatments, e.g. steroids, may slow its effectiveness. Other physical therapies, e.g. osteopathy, acupuncture, ought not to take place on the same day as Fenzian treatment. Patients do not need to stop taking medication.
Are there any side effects?
No negative side effects have been noted. In common with many therapies, a few patients may feel temporary discomfort afterwards. This is short-lived and is a favourable sign of the illness rearranging its repair process. These discomforts are easily solved.
Can I drive home after treatment?